Thursday, February 16, 2012


Friendship hearts - pick a friend and paint a valentine heart together.

OG paints with his best friend KB.


Roll a Love Bug!
Roll the dice and get the parts you need to make a valentine love bug. 
KM rolls a one and it gets him a tootsie pop body!

The girls put together their bugs...

GD's love bug!

Now it's time for snack - EW is ready to eat his aquarium.  We frosted graham crackers with blue icing, dipped the edge is sugar crystals, and then added vanilla cupcake and chocolate goldfish and candy heart clam shells.


AD, awesome aquariums!

Have you read Memoirs of a Goldfish by Devin Scillian?  GD's aquarium looks much like that goldfish bowl - overflowing.

Time to open valentines.

NS is happy to get so many valentines! Notice her sea turtle valentine sack.

GD checks out his valentines.

I wonder who sent this valentine to me?

A valentine from Sugar Pop!

Oh boy, lots of special valentines and candy too!

Who's it from?

We hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day too!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Write the Room

A-fishing we will go, a-fishing we will go...
KB catches a rhyme.

KM writes the room - look at that list of words!

The girls add "table" to their list.

Just sittin' on the edge of the tub writin' another word...

OG is concentrating on writing "bug cage".

Let's write together - no ones done "kitchen" yet.  How many words do you have?

Jellyfish SNACK

RH tries his jello jellyfish!

Yum... a tentacle.

Have another bite.

Yikes, eat a stinging jellyfish.  No way!

KM eats another tentacle or is it a gummy worm?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

W is for Weld

Mr. Olmsted, the high school shop teacher, shows us how to set the welder before we begin our W!

Helmets in place...

Mr. Olmsted demonstrated 3 different welds - a lap weld, butt weld, and plug weld.

Here's our finished W - it's awesome!

GD shows off his welded W.  We welded very long birthday candles together by dripping hot wax on the joints.  It's a butt weld just like Mr. Olmsted showed us but with wax!

NS is spoiling Sugar Pop!

He's in guinea pig heaven...  where are the carrots?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

ICY Antarctica

What do kindergartners AND penguins like?  Ice water and time to explore!

Water Science

Which is heavier?  Salt water or fresh water?   The kinders did an
experiment to find out - what did they discover?  The fresh water
(colored blue) floated on top of the heavier salt water.