Monday, October 22, 2012

Shucking Corn

One of the things I love about teaching at Cove School is the opportunities afforded my students.  We were invited to help shuck the corn for the school cafeteria.  In this picture, our FFA adviser shows the kinders how to do it and how each piece of silk is attached to it's own corn seed.  Did you know that?  Our school farm is a wonderful place for learning!  

Two kindergartners go to the farm every morning with an FFA student to gather the eggs from our hens.  Now really, how many kinders have that opportunity?

Mr. Koehn

Everyone tries their hand at shucking corn...

Danny is really working hard.

Pull, pull again, pull...

Watch me!  I can do it!

Have you looked inside an ear of corn before?

Look at all the silk on Tanner's ear of corn.

Cabella checks out her ear of corn.

Will found a ladybug!

Hannah puts her corn in the cooler until it's time to cook it in the cafeteria.

Jacob is pretty proud of his hard work.

Horses and Branding

Richard rides a horse.  The Murchison family came to Cove School and we all got to ride a horse and see how to brand.  We each got to take home a branded board.

Eli riding...

Look at the smoke as Mikayla brands a board.

Double D

Jessie likes his ride.

Jacob is not so sure...

Just another cowboy.

And a cowgirl too!

Deb hanging on to Loghan to keep him safe.

Now here's a cowgirl who likes to ride.


Checking out his horse.

Murchison brand.

Saddle up, cowboy.

Reese pats his horse.

Murchison family brand, over 100 years old.

Paisley shows her branded wood.




Here's a real cowgirl!

Ride, Cabella, ride!

Mikayla cooling her iron.

NO Bullies Allowed!

The boys are wearing their blue shirts to 

Kindergarten Outlaws

Can you find your lovable outlaw?  
Don't be fooled by the mustache!

Likes to eat gingerbread cookies
and go on bike rides with her family.

Likes to eat sausage for breakfast
and play hide-n-seek with Mommy and Daddy.

Likes to eat noodles
and ride his bike.

Likes to eat "puffy"  Cheetos
and play Bumblebee Transformers with Preston.

Likes to eat regular pickles
and have  a tea party with her Mom.

Likes to eat chicken and rice
and play video games.

Likes to eat grapes and bananas
and watch movies on family movie night.

Likes to eat cheese pizza
and play tag with the girls.

Likes to eat chocolate candy
and catch frogs in the backyard.

Likes to eat quesadillas
and play with his cars.

Likes to little pumpkin candies
and play Super Mario on his Wii.

Likes to eat green apples
and go to birthday parties.

Likes to eat Fruit Loops cereal
and play Driver 3 on his PlayStation.

Likes to eat chicken
and play with his toys.

Likes to eat Little Smokies
and play with her baby dolls.

Likes to eat chicken from Walmart
and play with his Jeremy Jet.

Likes to eat chocolate
and play little princess dolls with her sister.