Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What happened to Aiyana's pumpkin?

Aiyana carved this pumpkin on October 30th and then she forgot to take it home so we decided to keep it at school and watch what happened to it over time - a long, long time. Here are our predictions:
  • rot *
  • get dirt inside and then we'll have to throw it over the fence
  • break *
  • get very rotten *
  • get really, really rotten *
  • get hot
  • be thrown over the fence
  • be thrown in the garbage *
  • smell like stinky socks *
  • turn black or brown
  • turn green
  • stay orange *
  • smell like garbage *
  • turn into a triangle, or a circle, or a square
  • smell like a toilet *
  • turn white *
  • turn into a scarecrow

The bullets marked with an asterisk * really did happen to Aiyana's pumpkin! And Mrs. VanNice threw it in the garbage on January 5, 2010.

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