Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Missoula Children's Theatre MAKE-UP WORKSHOP

AD is chosen to put on corrective make-up.  Everyone who is in movies or on TV wears corrective make-up, even our president.

Dana tells us that actresses wear corrective make-up so they don't look bleeck!

AD looks beautiful.

Now, KM becomes a pirate, first the beard.  Ivory put his beard on with a sponge!

ARRGH... it's Pirate KM.

Notice his bushy eyebrows.  I almost didn't recognize him!

The next make-up technique the MCT actresses showed us was character make-up.

NS is being transformed into a fox.

She is a FOX!

First JN gets red face paint.  I thought he was going to become a clown.  But, oh no, much better than that!  This is the same make-up that clowns use though.

Baby powder keeps the make-up from rubbing off.

It's Spiderman!  Every boy in the room wished they were JN!

Spiderman with the fox.

Next, we get to see special effects make-up so the boys have their backs to the audience.  We can't see what's happening to their faces... or is it their faces?

TF is getting special make-up.

Dana talks about all the lines on our faces that appear as we get older; on our foreheads, the crowsfeet around our eyes, and the lines around our mouths.

It's Mr. F when he's an old man!

Ouch, what happened?!?

The special effects make-up really works - it looks so realistic!

CW thinks it's the best make-up of all but I think LP is a little worried about him!
Don't miss the performance by our own Cove students in The Wiz of the West on Friday, March 16 at 3:00 and 5:30.  The cost is $3.00 for students and $5.00 for adults.  Come and support the arts!

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