Sunday, April 29, 2012

Tree Planting

I got four trees for my birthday to plant at school from the Cove staff.  How wonderful!
Kinders planted two of the trees; a flowering plum (with double blossoms) on the playground and a Red Canada Chokecherry near the football field at the high school.

Digging the hole...

More digging...

Even more digging...

Isn't it beautiful with Mt. Fanny in the background?

EW adds some water.

What is it about little boys and water?  Gotta love it!

We carried several buckets of water over to our new little tree.

Time to fill in the hole!

It's lookin' good!

Next tree - we carried the water from the creek.

Here we are in front of the new chokecherry tree - it has white blossoms that smell wonderful.

Cove Kinders making the world a better place by planting trees.
Good job!

It really was a perfect day to plant trees - blue sky, green grass, and kids.  Can't beat that!

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