Thursday, December 6, 2012

Elephant Toothpaste

Jordan is ready and waiting for his chemicals - he really looks like a scientist!

Paisley carefully adds the dish soap to her experiment.

Mykaia volunteers to hold the funnel.

Add the yeast solution to the hydrogen peroxide and you get BUBBLES!

Baylee and Paisley are watching their elephant's toothpaste bubble out of the bottle.

Ryan removes the funnel but it's already full of bubbles!

Oh boy, Danny gets his hands in it!  Don't get it on Loghan!

Tanner and Cabella 

Jordan and Grant can't believe what happened!

Hannah and Mykaia


Now let's just sit back and watch what happens!

Tanner and Cabella want to try this experiment again!  
Just click on the link below and you can do this experiment at home.  

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