Thursday, April 4, 2013

100th Day of School!

On the 100th day of school we set up several stations in both first grade
and kindergarten.  Below you'll see a few of them!

Loghan is estimating and then dropping 100 drops of water into the cup.

Hannah is "dotting" 10 scoops of ice cream on 10 ice cream cones. 
Are you doing the math?
10 scoops x 10 cones = 100 scoops of ice cream!

Paisley and Cabella make their 100 Day Crowns!

Nevaeh and Hannah are getting prepared to count drops of water.

Tanner is coloring his crown.

Danny has 100 blocks - his challenge is to build Pete the Cat a home.
Can he do it?

Pete looks right at home to me!

Paisley is printing her 100 scoops of ice cream!

Love the crown and the happy boy!

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